学习《for the long haul》怎么用
- The hour of need shows the friend indeed.
FOR THE LONG HAULFor the Long HaulFOR THE LONG HAULDemocracy for the Long HaulThe United States and the Rise of China: Implications for the Long HaulAre They Here for the Long Haul? The Effects of Functional Motives and Personality Factors on the Psychological Contracts of Volunte...In for the Long Haul: Knowledge Translation Between Academic and Nonprofit OrganizationsEnergy for the Long HaulENERGY FOR THE LONG HAULIs ethanol for the long haul?Charge! EVs power up for the long haulThe Regional Integrated Sciences and Assessments (RISA) program: Crafting effective assessments for the long haulIn It to Win It for the Long Haul: Here Are Some Final Words on Managing Your Investment Club